- 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
- Absences
- Access to Electronic Networks
- Administering Medication to Students Including Athsma and Allergies
- Alternative Learning Opportunities
- Anti-Bias Curriculum
- Asbestos Management Plan
- Behavior Intervention
- Birth Certificate Requirement
- Bullying Prevention, Intimidation, Harassment
- Community Notification Act -Sex Offender Info
- CPR and AED Video
- Notice to Parents of Students who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind, or Visually Impaired
- Dental Examination
- Diabetes Care Procedures
- Directory Information
- Distribution of Non-Curricular/Non-School Sponsored Literature by Students (First Amendment)
- English Language Learners
- Equal Education Opportunity
- Employee Code of Professional Conduct
- Erin's Law/Teen Dating Violence
- Free Public Education
- Harassment of Student Prohibited
- Homeless Students
- Mandated Child Fund
- Notice of Non Discrimination
- Notice of Delegation of Rights for Special Ed
- Notice of Parents' Legal Protections
- Notice of Parent Rights Re: Invasive Exams
- Notice of Survey Policies
- Notice of Violence and Drug Prevention Effort
- Notification Regarding Athletic or Team Uniform Modifications
- Parent's Right to Know
- Pesticide Exposure
- Prevention/Management of Allergic Reactions
- Radon Testing
- Review of Instructional Materials
- Safe2Help
- Safety Drills
- School Meals
- Search and Seizure
- Section 504/Americans with Disability Act
- Sexual Abuse Response and Prevention Resource Guide
- Sex Equity
- Sexual Harassment
- Soccer Goal Safety
- Suicide Awareness and Prevention Policy
- Social Networking Passwords
- Special Education
- Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
- Student Behavior Plan
- Student Discipline/Behavior Intervention
- Student Fees/Waiver of Fees
- Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA)
- Student Records
- Suspension and Expulsion, and Due Process Requirements
- Teacher Qualifications
- Title I Parent Notification
- Transportation
- Uniform Grievance Policy - Title IX
- Video Surveillance on Buses and in School
- Video/Audio Surveillance Policies
- Vision/Hearing Exams and Screenings
- School Visitation Rights
- Water Testing Results
- Wellness
Bullying, Intimidation, Harassment
Preventing Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment palos118.org/boardpolicy
This attached policy addresses the importance of preventing students from engaging in the disruptive behaviors of bullying, intimidation, and harassment. Also see student discipline policy 7:190.
Policy 7:180 Students - Preventing Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment