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Erin's Law/Teen Dating Violence

Effective January 24, 2013, Public Act 97-1147, known as "Erin’s Law," requires Illinois school districts to add age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education to the health curriculum for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students. The purpose of Erin’s Law is to equip children with awareness of sexual abuse so that they report abuse and, ultimately, to reduce victimization.

Additionally, students in grades 7 through 8 will receive additional instruction covering teen dating violence. Parents will be made aware of this content through written communication at least 5 days prior to any instruction on this topic to afford parental opportunity to object to your child's participation.

Erin's Law Notification 20-21


Refer to Policies:

7:185 – Teen Dating Violence Prohibited

6:60 – Curriculum Content