Children are permitted to ride only the bus to which they are assigned and only board and depart at their assigned stop.
Arrive at your bus stop 5 minutes prior to your assigned time.
Stay off the road proper while waiting for the bus.
Safe and proper boarding and departing procedures will be used at all times. Some examples of improper procedures are pushing, tripping, fighting, throwing objects, or delaying the bus. This list is not all-encompassing.
Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to board the bus.
Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times.
No spitting or littering is allowed.
Assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times.
Loud talk and laughter is unacceptable.
Never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment.
Keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisles.
Do not throw anything out of the bus window.
Remain in your seat until you reach your destination, the bus stops, and the doors open.In case of road emergency, remain in the bus until instructions are given by the driver.
No eating or drinking is allowed on the bus at any time.
No glass containers shall be brought on the school bus.
No laser pointers are allowed.
No sharp objects such as knives, screw drivers, or scissors are allowed.
No animals shall be transported on the school bus.
Children are to obey the bus driver at all times. The bus driver has the authority to assign seats.
Unacceptable language and gestures are not allowed.
Rude, discourteous behavior will not be tolerated at any time.
Observe safety precautions at all exiting points. Where it is necessary to cross a two-lane highway, proceed to a point about 10 feet in front of the bus. Then wait for a signal from the bus driver permitting you to cross safely. Walk completely around the crossing arm. Do not touch the crossing arm. Once safely across the street, do not ever attempt to re-cross the street for any reason.
Cell phones are to be used in emergency situations only.