Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler Instructions
1: To access the Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduler, click the Teacher Conferences tab on the left side of the Family Access homepage.
2: Next, choose a child from the top dropdown menu, or choose to view them all. To the right of each student’s name, there is an option to view conferences you’ve scheduled (View Scheduled Times), or a list of all classes for which you can arrange conferences (All Conferences).
3: To schedule a conference from the All Conferences tab, first click Select a Time. This will allow you to view the teacher’s availability.
4: Once you’ve found a time that works for you, click Select then Save.
5: Scheduled conferences will automatically show up in your calendar. You will also receive a confirmation email.
6: If you need to reschedule, click the View Scheduled Times tab and change the status to Unschedule. When you’re happy with your conference schedule, go to the top of the screen to print a page with all dates and times.